Javaland 2024, Nürburgring

A Java Software Development Conference In April, the German Java conference took place at the Nürburgring. It was a new and great experience. It was the first time that I did not have to plan a trip to learn about on-site software development. [Read More]

Website Evidence Collector Pipline

Business Case Evidence Collector In January, I mentioned that the European Union offers a free GDPR compliance checker. Small and medium-sized businesses can benefit greatly from using their websites as digital business cards. For example, I enjoy receiving feedback and knowing that people appreciate my posts. [Read More]

European Union provides a GDPR compliance tool Website

Website Evidence Collector The European Union announced a tool for GDPR compliance checks for websites. This tool can be used manually, in an automated deployment process, and security vulnerability checks. It can be an easy and cost-efficient approach for small and medium companies (Mittelstand). [Read More]

Carbon Footprint of static and dynamic websites

Why Hugo? The decision to switch from WordPress to a static website engine like Hugo was easy. Once, my provider complained about the version of PHP and wanted to charge me extra for running an older PHP version. Furthermore, a modern and beautiful WordPress site requires a lot of time. [Read More]